Home > Writers, Artists, Journalists, Translators, Activists, Lawyers and Professors
Writers, Artists, Journalists, Translators, Activists, Lawyers and Professors
نویسندگان، هنرمندان، روزنامه نگاران، مترجمان، فعالان، حقوقدانان و استادان دانشگاه در حمایت از مردم هزاره
Sunday 24 March 2013
All the versions of this article: [English] [English] [English]

Dear Sirs,
In connection with the open letter from Poets World-wide to you, we, writers, artists, journalists, translators, activists, lawyers and professors, present to you this open letter.
Writers, Artists, Journalists, Translators, Activists and Lawyers
1. Jette Ní Mhaolcatha, Translator and anthropologist (Denmark)
2. Robert Maier, MA, Producer, Author, Professor of Broadcasting, Gaston College (USA)
3. Basir Ahang, Journalist and human rights activist (Afghanistan, Italy)
4. Akbar Khurasani, Painter (Ukraine, Afghanistan)
5. Bashir Bakhtiari, Journalist, cartoonist and documentary maker (Afghanistan, Australia)
6. Akbar Danesh, Radio Paywand Owner and director (Bamiyan, Afghanistan)
7. Dr. Yar Sana, Publisher of Andisha-e-Nau monthly magazine (Afghanistan/ Canada)
8. Abdullah Khodada, Social activist and president of Afghanistan Reformists
9. Sultan Haidari, Director of Bokhdi News Agency (Afghanistan)
10. Dr. S. Ashrafzai, Economist” and writer (Afghanistan)
11. Mona Bentzen, Visual artist, video art curator and documentary filmmaker (Norway)
12. Mohammd Ishaq Fayyaz, Writer and journalist (Afghanistan/ Turkey)
13. Khaliq Ebrahimi, Interpreter (Afghanistan)
14. Jawad Hamdard Kia, Photographer and freelance journalist (Afghansitan)
15. Hassina Burgan, Actress. visual artist (United Kingdom)
16. Laura Bursh, Writer, musician and artist (USA)
17. Xuebin Burican, Journalist and artist ( Romania)
18. John Burgan, Senior Lecturer and Documentary Filmmaker (United Kingdom)
19. Wais Orozgani, Director of Sobhi Nawin Association (Mazar i Sharif, Afghanistan)
20. Besmellah Rezaee, lawyer/solicitor and freelance writer (Australia/ Afghanistan)
21. Jan Evans, community advocate (Brisbane Australia)
22. Mary Estcourt, Community Advocate (Hobart, Australia)
23. Kjell H. Maere, Writer (Norway)
24. Evy Ellingvag, Human rights activist and writer (Norway)
25. Beret Werner, Activist (Norway)
26. Anna Da Silva Santos, Activist (Australia)
27. Muhammad Ali Sultani, Professor at Polytechnical University of Kabul (Afghanistan)
28. Frederika Steen, Human rights activist and former immigration officer (Australia)
29. Harold Trujillo Torres, Cartoonist (Colombia)
30. Rosemary Stanfield-Johnson, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Minnesota Duluth (USA)
31. Mohammad Mostafaei, Lawyer (Iran/ Norway)
32. Hussain Zahedi, Journalist and activist (Afghanistan/Canada)
33. Nicole Valentini, Activist (Italy)
34. Davood Mousavi, Photographer and blogger (Iran/ Sweden)
35. Kawa Gharj, Activist and blogger (Afghanistan)
36. M. Kazim wahidi, Activist and blogger (Afghanistan)
37. Rahmatullah Alizadah, Journalist (Afghanistan)
38. Mortaza Rahimi, Journalist (Afghanistan)
39. Lou Dingle, Activist (Australia)
40. Ali Payam, Writer (Afghanistan)
Now, non-poets such as writers, artists, journalists, translators, activists, lawyers and professors can join us and support the Hazara people by signing the poets’ letter. To sign our letter please use the following form.
You will receive a confirmation email. Please check your mailbox and visit the URL given in this email to validate your signature.. You can also sign our letter by sending an email to kamran at kamranmirhazar.com. Please do include your name, position and country.
اگر شما نویسنده، هنرمند، روزنامه نگار، مترجم، حقوقدان و استاد دانشگاه می باشید و می خواهید با امضای نامه ی شاعران جهان از مردم هزاره حمایت کنید، لطفا فرم زیر را پر نمایید. پس از پر نمودن این فرم، ایمیلی برایتان فرستاده می شود، لینکی که در ایمیل آمده را دنبال کنید تا امضای شما تایید شود. لطفا مشخصات خود را با حروف لاتین بنویسید و در متن پیام کشور و زمینه کاری خود را نیز ذکر کنید. شما همچنین می توانید با فرستادن ایمیلی به آدرس زیر امضای خود را تایید نمایید
kamran at kamranmirhazar.com
Forum posts
1. Writers, Artists, Journalists, Translators, Activists, Lawyers and Professors, 24 March 2013, 16:11
وظیفه ی تمامی انسان های آزاده و آزاد اندیش است تا به هرنحوی با تلاش وحمایت خویش مانع تباهی انسانهای دیگر گردند.
حال این مهم نیست این تباهی و قتل یا غارت انسانها متوجه هزاره های کویته گردد یا در افریقا و شرق و غرب عالم باشد
بدین وسیله من نیز در کنار دیگر انسان دوستان و حامیان حقوق انسانی هزاره های کویته پاکستان حمایت خویش را اعلام میدارم
بشیر بختیاری
ژورنالیست .کاریکاتوریست و مستند ساز
ادلاید-استرالیای جنوبی
View online : http://www.flickr.com/photos/310679...
2. Writers, Artists, Journalists, Translators, Activists, Lawyers and Professors, 24 March 2013, 18:20, by Dr. S. Ashrafzai
“Economist” and writer,I wrote articals on the plight of Hazara people which is published in many Afghan and european website
3. Writers, Artists, Journalists, Translators, Activists, Lawyers and Professors, 24 March 2013, 18:21, by sultan haidari
کشتار هزاره ها یک نسل کشی است و باید جلو آن گرفته شود
View online : http://www.bokhdinews.af
4. Writers, Artists, Journalists, Translators, Activists, Lawyers and Professors, 24 March 2013, 18:46, by fahim abdullah
من نه یک هنر پیشه ام و نه یک پروفیسر بلکه هزاره ام و نسل کشی هزاره ها را چه در افغانستان و یا پاکستان محکوم میکنم بنده مهاجر و از فعالین اجتماعی هستم. تشکر
5. Lawyer & Freelance writer , 24 March 2013, 22:03, by Besmellah Rezaee
I am a lawyer/solicitor and a freelance writer. I believe the international community has an obligation under International law to put an end to Hazara Genocide.
View online : http://aatsa.org