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Yiorgos Chouliaras
Poet (Greece)
Yiorgos Chouliaras is a Greek poet and essayist, whose poetry in English translation has been published and reviewed in major literary periodicals – including Agenda, Grand Street, Harvard Review, Poetry, Ploughshares, The Iowa Review, and World Literature Today – and in international anthologies such as New European Poets. His work has also been translated into Croatian, French, Spanish, Turkish, and other languages. He is the author of six volumes of poetry in Greek and of numerous essays on literature and cultural history, in English as well as Greek, while poets he has translated include Wallace Stevens. He was a co-founder of the influential Greek literary reviews Tram and Hartis and an editor of literary and scholarly publications in the United States. He has served on the Board of the Hellenic Authors’ Society, the Poets Circle, the Ottawa International Writers Festival, and the Modern Greek Studies Association. Educated at Reed College and at The Graduate Faculty of the New School for Social Research, he lived and worked in Oregon, New York City, Ottawa, Boston, Washington, D.C., and Dublin, before returning to Athens. His forthcoming Dictionary of Memories is a “memoir” in the form of a dictionary.