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Alina Beatrice Chesca
Poet (Romania)
ALINA BEATRICE CHEŞCĂ was born on the 9th of June 1974 in the city of Constanţa, ROMANIA.
From October 1997 up to now she has been a University Lecturer PhD in English at “Danubius” University of Galaţi, Romania From October 2009 till December 2010 she was a producer and presenter of the TV show “Learning in Europe” broadcasted on TV Galati channel.
In 2008 she took her PhD in Philological Studies at “Ovidius” University of Constanţa.
She participated in about 30 international conferences and published numerous courses and also papers in scientific magazines or in conference volumes.
She is a member of ”Costache Negri” Writers’ Society of Galaţi and an associate editor of 2 culture magazines.
She published 7 poetry books: “The Girl with Waves-like Hair”, Evrika Publishing-House, Brăila; “Life with Every Breath”, Sinteze Publishing-House, Galaţi; “Fetiţa de la celălalt capăt de suflet” / “The Little Girl from the Other Side of the Soul”, Zigotto Publishing-House, Galaţi (released at Press Club, Calcutta, INDIA); “The Odyssey Inside Us” (cArtESENŢE Collection), “The Lower Danube” Cultural Centre Publishing-House, Galaţi; the bilingual poetry book „Sărutul zeilor”/ “Kiss of Gods”, Axis Libri Publishing-House, Galaţi; the bilingual poetry book “Jurnalul soarelui”/ “Journal of the Sun”, Pax Aura Mundi Publishing-House, Galaţi; the children’s book “In the Garden of Spring” (Ed. Zigotto, Galaţi) and the doctoral thesis ”Mihail Sebastian – A Psychoanalytical Approach”.
She published poems in more than 10 culture magazines and is present in 12 poetry anthologies and books of literary criticism. She wrote 8 forewords for poetry books and novels.
She got 6 poetry awards at national competitions and several diplomas for cultural contribution.
She translated 4 poetry books into English and has 3 photographic exhibitions.